Information on Prayer in School
QUESTION: Where can I find more information on prayer in school?ANSWER:Good information on prayer in school is hard to locate. Consider the following links for helpful information on history, court cases, and various perspectives on the topic:
Prayer in School Case Law - Review current case law and constitutional principles related to prayer in school. When is it lawful to exercise religious expression?
Prayer in School Policies - Study what is lawful religious expression in today's public schools. Review the policies for graduations, assemblies, sports events, extracurricular activities, class assignments, and prayer groups.
Impermissible Speech vs. Protected Expression - Discover the governing law and constitutional principles regarding impermissible speech and protected expression. Study case law and history.
Specific Cases - Study cases Engel v. Vitale, 1962, Murray v. Curlett, 1963, and Abington Township School District v. Schempp, 1963.
Separation of Church and State - Examine the basics - its implied meaning versus its historical context.
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